Fee Remission Simulation (學費減免測試)
Income to be assessed 須填報的收入 |
Income not to be assessed 不須填報的收入 |
1 | Basic salary (including contributions to provident fund, e.g. MPF) 收入(包括公積金供款,如強積金) |
1 | Scholarships awarded 獎學金 |
2 | Year- end double pay/ leave pay 年尾雙糧/假期工資 |
2 | Disability allowance and old age allowance 傷殘津貼和高齡津貼 |
3 | Allowance (including housing, travel, meals, education, shift allowance, etc.) 津貼(包括房屋、旅遊、膳食、教育、輪班津貼等等) |
3 | Long service payment/ contract gratuity 長期服務金/合約酬金 |
4 | Bonus/ commission 花紅/佣金 |
4 | Severance pay 遣散費 |
5 | Wages in lieu of notice of dismissal 因被撤職而領取的代通知金 |
5 | Loans 貸款 |
6 | Profits from business/ investments 經商/投資利潤 |
6 | One-off retirement gratuity/ provident fund 一次過領取的退休金/公積金 |
7 | Alimony/ living expenses from ex-spouse 贍養費 |
7 | Inheritance 遺產 |
8 | Contributions from family members or relatives 親屬的津助 |
8 | Charitable donations 領取的慈善捐款 |
9 | Interests earned from bank deposits, stocks & shares, etc. 定期存款、股票等的利息收益 |
9 | Comprehensive Social Security Assistance 綜合社會保障援助金 |
10 | Rental income from property 租金收入 |
10 | Retraining allowance 再培訓津貼 |
11 | Monthly pension/ widow’s & children’s compensation/ gratuity 每月領取的退休金/孤兒寡婦金/恩恤金 |
11 | Traffic/ insurance/ injury indemnity 交通意外/保險/傷亡賠償 |